Tips Menghapus Virus ShortCut

Dalam dunia komputerisasi tidak menutup kemungkinan terinveksi oleh virus yang selalu membuat kesal seorang User (pengguna) bahkan mungkin seorang user pesimis dengan virus yang selama ini di alami bahkan seorang user sering kali bertanya-tanya Anti Virus apa yang ampuh untuk mengatasi virus yang selama ini mengganggu dalama komputer/laptop yang mereka miliki, dalam hal ini saya mencoba untuk memberi solusi atas keluhan virus shortcut yang selama ini mengganggu komputer anda semua.

Tampilan seperti ini yang sering membuat seorang user (pengguna)
Entah itu pada Laptop ataupun isi FlashDisk anda.

Berikut ini adalah 8 langkah praktis untuk Menghilangkan virus yang mampu mengubah
folder yang ada di dalam USB flash disk menjadi shortcut tersebut:
  1. Nonaktifkan ‘System Restore’ untuk sementara selama proses pembersihan.
  2. Putuskan komputer yang akan dibersihkan dari jaringan.
  3. Matikan proses virus yang aktif di memori dengan menggunakan tools ‘Ice Sword’. Setelah tools tersebut  terinstal, pilih file yang mempunyai icon ‘Microsoft Visual Basic Project’ kemudian klik ‘Terminate Process’. Silahkan download tools tersebut di
  4. Hapus registri yang sudah dibuat oleh virus dengan cara:
    • Klik menu [Start]
    • Klik [Run]
    • Ketik REGEDIT.exe, kemudian klik tombol [OK]
    • Pada aplikasi Registry Editor, telusuri key [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run]
    • -. Kemudian hapus key yang mempunyai data [C:\Document and Settings\%user%].
  5. Disable autoplay/autorun Windows. Copy script di bawah ini pada
  6. program notepad kemudian simpan dengan nama REPAIR.INF, install file tersebut dengan cara: Klik kanan REPAIR.INF –> INSTALL
    [Version] Signature=”$Chicago$” Provider=Vaksincom [DefaultInstall]

    AddReg=UnhookRegKey DelReg=del [UnhookRegKey] HKLM,

    Software\CLASSES\batfile\shell\open\command,,,”"”%1″” %*” HKLM,

    Software\CLASSES\comfile\shell\open\command,,,”"”%1″” %*” HKLM,

    Software\CLASSES\exefile\shell\open\command,,,”"”%1″” %*” HKLM,

    Software\CLASSES\piffile\shell\open\command,,,”"”%1″” %*” HKLM,

    Software\CLASSES\regfile\shell\open\command,,,”regedit.exe “%1″” HKLM,

    Software\CLASSES\scrfile\shell\open\command,,,”"”%1″” %*” HKCU,

    Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoDriveTypeAutoRun,0x000000ff,255 HKLM,

    SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer, NoDriveTypeAutoRun,0x000000ff,255
  7. Hapus File induk dan file duplikat yang dibuat oleh virus termasuk di flash disk. Untuk mempercepat proses pencarian, sobat dapat menggunakan fungsi ‘Search’. Sebelum melakukan pencarian sebaiknya tampilkan semua file yang tersembunyi dengan mengubah pada setting Folder Options.
  8. Jangan sampai terjadi kesalahan pada saat menghapus file induk maupun file duplikat yang telah dibuat oleh virus. Lalu hapus file induk virus yang mempunyai ciri-ciri:
    • Icon ‘Microsoft Visual Basic Project’.
    • Ukuran File 128 KB (untuk varian lain akan mempunyai ukuran yang bervariasi).
    • Ekstesi file ‘.EXE’ atau ‘.SCR’.
    • Type file ‘Application’ atau ‘Screen Saver’.
    Kemudian hapus File duplikat shortcut yang mempunyai ciri-ciri:
    • Icon Folder atau icon
    • Ekstensi .LNK
    • Type File ‘Shortcut’
    • Ukuran file 1 KB
    Hapus juga file yang .DLL (contoh: ert.dll) dan file Autorun.inf di flash disk atau folder yang di-share. Sementara untuk menghindari virus tersebut aktif kembali, hapus file induk yang mempunyai ekstensi EXE atau SCR terlebih dahulu baru kemudian hapus file Shortcut (.LNK).
  9. Tampilkan kembali folder yang telah disembunyikan oleh virus. Untuk
  10. mempercepat proses tersebut, silahkan download tools UnHide File and Folder di
    Setelah diinstall, pilih direktori [C:\Documents and settings] dan folder yang ada di flash disk dengan cara menggeser ke kolom yang sudah tersedia. Pada menu [Attributes] kosongkan semua pilihan yang ada, kemudian klik tombol [Change Attributes].
  11. Install security patch ‘Microsoft Windows Shell shortcut handling remote code execution vulnerability-MS10-046′. Silakan download security patch tersebut di
Seperti biasa, untuk pembersihan secara optimal dan menecegah infeksi
ulang, sebaiknya install dan scan dengan antivirus yang up-to-date dan
sudah dapat mendeteksi virus ini dengan baik.

Five Reasons Being a Slow Computer

Your computer suddenly slow when being chased deadlines work? It definitely feels very annoying. But you do not need to rush emotions let alone to slam your computer. The cause slow computer can vary.

In general, a computer / laptop performance will decrease if the memory is approaching full capacity. When you run many applications at once, the main memory load increases. Main memory in a computer (usually RAM) is one of the most important components of a computer system in addition to the processor. The entire application is executed by the processor is taken from the main memory. So when you open too many applications simultaneously while the main memory capacity is small, it will affect overall computer performance

In addition, there are some other things that make the performance of your computer becomes slow. What is it?

1.   Too many add-ons in the browser
Application web browser is one of the most vital applications to support your work. You need this application to surf in cyberspace. Sometimes, for some reason you need additional Functions which by default is not owned by the browser you are using. The additional functions you can get through extensions or add-on. Be sure not to add an add-on that you do not need because it will also add to the burden of memory that ultimately will make the computer become slow
2.   Hard drive capacity thinning
When the capacity of your hard disk is approaching full, the computer will take a little longer to find the files you are looking for. So be advised only if the loading process will be a little slower
3.   main memory
As mentioned above, the main memory is one of the most important components in a computer system. All files required a certain program will be loaded into main memory before being called by the processor. If the main memory capacity is small, you do not should not open too many applications at the same time if you do not want your computer to hang
4.   Too many programs running
Multi-tasking has become a very helpful feature for users to work with multiple programs at once. However, it does not mean you can go around plenty of open applications. You must understand exactly about computer specs that you used before you open too many application programs
5. Virus
Viruses are the most frightening mush for computer users. In addition to stealing important files, computer virus programs will also make your computer becomes slow. Make sure you install proper antivirus and do not be lazy to update the antivirus

Inovasi dan Teknologi Terkini Kualitas Terbaik Acer

Dengan berkambangnya waktu yang semakin menuntut kita untuk terus mengenal dan mengetahui perkembangan technology yang sangat pesat, sudah sepantasnya kita mengenal Inovasi dan Teknologi Terkini Kualitas Terbaik Acer agar kita tau betapa canggihnya technology dari acer yang udah di keluarkan dalam waktu dekat ini.

Inovasi dari Acer memastikan fitur-fiturnya yang menjadikan produk lebih user-frendly, lebih kuat sesuai dengan kebutuhan dari para penggunanya. Sedangkan kualitas yang di tanamkan dari perusahaan Acer adalah dengan menyediakan teknologi terkini dan kualitas terbaik dengan cara melakukan pengujian menyeluruh untuk menghasilkan produk terbaik.

Inovasi dan Teknologi Terkini Kualitas Terbaik Acer, sudah tidak asing lagi dengan produk dengan nama Acer. Di Indonesia sendiri produk ini sudah memiliki jaringan yang sangat luas sehingga Acer memberikan inovasi dalam hal produk bukan hanya itu tapi juga menyediakan layanan CS ( Costumer Service ) yang dapat memuaskan pelanggan karena mampu memahami pelanggannya dengan kepuasan.

  • Keyboard dengan auto-illuminating backlit: Aspire S7 Series Ultrabook™ dilengkapi dengan light-sensing keyboard yang secara otomatis mengatur tingkat kecerahan untuk kenyamanan pengguna.
  • Acer TwinAir cooling : inovasi ini menggunakan dua kipas untuk menarik udara dingin dan mengeluarkan panas yang sudah digunakan pada Aspire S7 Series Ultrabook™.
  • ZoomPerfect touchpad: digunakan disebagian besar notebook Acer, Touchpad ini mendukung windows 8. Penggunanya sehalus layar sentuh. Teknologi sensor gambar terbaru meningkatkan sensitivitas dan akurasi.

Display dari Acer menggunakan teknologi IPS yang memberikan tampilan yang konsisten, akurasi warna dan gambar bahkan dari sudut pandang yang sangat luas. Teknologi ini digunakan diberbagai produk Acer mulai dari smartphone CloudMobile S500 sampai dengan Aspire S Series Ultrabook™

Dual-torque hinge: Aspire S7 Series Ultrabook™ memiliki hinge yang unik dan telah dipatenkan untuk kenyamanan pada layar saat menggunakan touch sreen dan sekaligus memungkinkan layar untuk dibuka dalam posisi mendatar hingga 180 derajat.

  • Digunakan pada smartphone CloudMobile S500, MHL memungkinkan untuk memutar 1080p Full HD palyback pada monitor atau TV yang kompatibel.
  • Acer signalUp™ adalah teknologi wireless yang terdapat diberbagai notebook Acer, desain dual-antenna panel-top yang inovativ memastikan anda mendapat koneksi wireless yang kuat bahkan bila anda di batas luar area.

Kualitas Acer

Uji goncangan

Dalam setiap produk Acer sudah di uji secara menyeluruh sehingga anda akan mendapatkan produk yang optimal untuk produktivitas anda.
Membarikan pengalaman sentuh terbaik

Untuk memastikan Aspire S7 Series Ultrabook™ dapat memberikan pengalaman sentuh terbaik. Dual-torque hinge digunakan untuk menjadikan layar sentuh menjadi stabil, sehingga jika anda menggunakannya tidak akan terjadi goyangan.
Pengujian sentuh
  • Menggeser jari di layar sentuh
  • Memukul
  • Menekuk layar sentuh
Pengalaman sehari-hari
  • Masa penggunaan hinge
  • Tekanan
  • Profil komponen thermal
  • Penggunaan pada temperature dan tingkat kemembapan tertentu
  • Pengukuran suara akustik
  • Port USB
Jenis kecelakaan
  • Jatuh
  • Guncangan pada penggunaan
  • Tumpahan
Demikian informasi tentang Inovasi dan Teknologi Terkini Kualitas Terbaik Acer, semoga dengan adanya informasi ini anda dapat mengerti bagaimana sebuah perusahaan teknologi menjamin kualitasnya dan mengerti bahwa sebelum sebuah produk dipasarkan produk itu telah di uji dengan baik, namun jika anda membeli sebuah produk dan produk baru itu rusak dalam jangka waktu pendek maka saat pemasaran mungkin terjadi sebuah kecelakaan yang sudah saya simpulkan di atas, terima kasih.

How Can Your Small Business Benefit from Mobile Technology?

The competition is very strong today . It is much harder for small businesses because they have to compete with their larger counterparts . This is the reason why small businesses should never by chance that he can Catapult for his business rivals . Moreover , it does not have a strong infrastructure and a large budget . It relies only on online presence to reach their goals. It is not just a website or social media sites , and mobile technology can help increase the productivity of small businesses and connect with customers .

The following are some effective ways that small businesses can benefit from mobile technology :

# 1 . Going Mobile with responsive design

Responsive design techniques assist in the completion of desktop -sized website and fit the mobile screen . Responsive design is a very smart move when it is ready for the mobile customer focus as well. And why would not it? Mobile will soon take over desktop internet usage. Only smart marketers take action, and use responsive design makes it credible and reliable .

# 2 . Start creating content for mobile

Mobile content can come in handy for small businesses. Mobile content is very effective when used in international sales calls and trade shows . People love to read e -books and flip books, and they can help to increase the conversion rate . These tools help in saving money on printing costs . Put the effort behind the creation of these tools will only be a small business knowledge and energetic appearance.

# 3 . Need for Mobile Apps

One of the main reasons why Smartphones and tablets are so popular today is because mobile apps . There are programs that help you to book a table at restaurants , there are also applications that users on the road to date. Mobile apps are a great variety, and invest in creating a mobile app is a good strategy if a small business does not operate on a tight budget. This mobile app will remain only inform users about new offers or special discounts from the company. In this way , a mobile app will be helpful in maintaining the importance of repeat customers .

# 4 . Rapid Reaction Using QR Codes

QR codes are relatively new to the market , and they are a very hot commodity. Almost every famous brand is using this matrix barcodes with the primary purpose of engaging customers. So why would a small business to stay out away from the fight It does not cost much to generate. EXCLUSIVE QR code Advertise press advertising and products . QR code Moreover, it should also ensure that people who scan these rules to forward to the relevant functional sites .

# 5 . SMS campaigns Still Matter

SMS campaigns are not outdated. In fact, many impressive bids in response to mobile devices with SMS campaigns. In addition, a text messaging campaign profitable. The biggest advantage of these campaigns is to market , even those customers who can not concentrate . Hold your smartphone or tablet This is the reason why small businesses should not have the power of SMS campaigns on the head .

The author lives in Orange County , California. She works as a small business mobile apps developers . In this article, she talks about the different ways in which small businesses can benefit from mobile technology.

The installation of the Local Area Network (LAN)

The chance of this post I try to give something to friends who might be on the enlightenment that I have to say here, many are already familiar with or even go into what I would post this time, something which I will post this time talking about the installation of Local Area Network (LAN). I emphasize on some of the discussion below :
  1. Explaining the network hardware and their functions.
  2. Explains IP addressing Address.
  3. Calculate IP addressing and Subnet Address IP Address.
  4. Explain the network topology.
  5. Topology design specifications required.
Network hardware can be broadly at the start of the computer itself to the device used to endorse a global network. As an example of network hardware that is inside the computer is NIIC or Network Interface Card. NIC is also referred to as LAN Card, LAN Card name is more popular than NIC.

LAN Card
NIC or LAND Card

Out of the NIC is generally connecting it with the switch that is used together with another computer.


If the computer networks connected to different networks, It would require a router device. To protect and secure the network are the Firewall, Proxy server. Besides, the partners are still referred to as a bridge network, wireless router, access point, and so forth.

Each network device requires an IP Address, IP Address There are two types of IPv4 and IPv6, which is commonly used IPv4. IP Address IPv4 version consists of 4 groups of 8-bit binary number is converted to a decimal number that is easy to understand.


IP address is divided into five classes, Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D, Class E, but in actual classes used to provide IP address is class A, Class B, Class C.

0000 0001.X.Y.Z to 0111 1111.X.Y.Z
    1.X.Y.Z to 127.X.Y.Z
1000 0000.X.Y.Z to 1011 1111.X.Y.Z
128.X.Y.Z to 191.X.Y.Z
1100 0000.X.Y.Z to 1101 1111.X.Y.Z
192.X.Y.Z to 223.X.Y.Z

Each class has a public IP for the benefit of local interests

IP Local
  10.    0.0.0 to
172.  16.0.0 to 172.  31.255.255
C to

Class A has a special IP address that has been allocated for testing the network, which is
Write the IP address error will cause the appearance of error messages, for example if address IP address to NIC.

IP Address
Error message when one writes the IP address

Each class has an IP subnet mask to determine the network number and host and user.

Subnet Mask (Default)
1111 1111.0000 0000.0000 0000.0000 0000 or
1111 1111.1111 1111.0000 0000.0000 0000 or
1111 1111.1111 1111.1111 1111.0000 0000 or

As an example of a class C IP address local: with a subnet mask of

a number of binary subnet mask = 24, so the IP address could be written as a binary number 0 is equal to 8 pieces, then the IP address has a kind friend as much as 28 = 256, that is : to 192.168. 0.255 Cannot be used as an IP address for the network, while is the IP address for the broadcast. So the effective number of IP addresses only 256-2 = 254.

Than 1111 111.1111 1111 .1111 1111.0000 0000 can also be 1111 111.1111 1111 .1111 1111.1000 0000 or 1111 111.1111 1111 .1111 1111.1100 0000

Subnet Mask 1111 1111.1111 1111.1111 1111.1100 0000 Have a number of binary 1 = 26 and the number of binary 0 = 26

So for the same IP address, subnet mask of
Binary 1 at the end of = 2 and a binary 0 = 6
binary 1 indicates the number of network = 22 = 4
Binary 0 indicates the host for each network26 = 64
IP Address in the table it can be:

IP Address
Network 1 to
User 1
Broadcast 1
Network 2 to
User 2
Broadcast 2
Network 3 to
User 3
Broadcast 3
Network 4 to
User 4
Broadcast 4

9 The Causes Slow Computer Performance

As a computer user, of course we all want a good computer performance, fast response, smooth data access without having to wait a long time and so on. There is therefore good that we know what the cause or an effect with a slow computer. The following brief review 9 of the most frequent causes slow computer performance plus tips or solution.

1. Malware (virus, worm, trojan, dsb )

When computers are exposed to malware (viruses, worms, trojans, and the like), it's almost certain that okmputer performance will be slow. The virus will often use the computer's resources either RAM or CPU, as well as continuously monitoring computer activity. It is certainly very influential on the performance of other applications.
The solution to prevent this for users of Windows is to install antivirus and not just stop there, but regular antivirus updates. Schedule at least once a week if the computer is not online.

2. Spyware, Adware and The Like

If we often use the computer to the internet for, if not careful there is a possibility the computer may be infected with spyware. The effect may not be so great with the computer's performance, but it could have an effect on Internet access, and various things that disturb the comfort of surf and worse, important data (user, password, account, etc.) we can know by the creator of this spyware.
Solutions can install Anti-spyware is also constantly updated, just need to be sorted out which ones are not much use of my resources (resources) of our computer, because it is not uncommon Antispyware uses the CPU and Memory that is large enough. If antivirus is included, we do not need to add. Or use a portable version, and regularly scan for spyware only.

3. The number of applications running in the background

The more our computers with software, usually the more slow computer performance, although there is a relatively small effect and there are great. It is important to note when installing software, check whether an application is always running behind. This can be in the know with programs like Autoruns.
The solution in this case is important to use the software only, select a software if there is some similar software or have similar features and if there is a portable version of it then it could be an alternative. To reduce the program running in the background, use Autoruns, and disable unnecessary background applications. To to see whether the application is installed to run the program in the back, install software such as WinPatrol.

4. Hard disk (HDD) that have been age

When computers are still using the hard disk that is long enough (old), may be more than 5 years, then get progressively slower computer performance. To check, we can use free software HDD Tune and the like (read the article: Check the condition of your Computer Hard Disk). Normal SATA HDD usually average read access (read) about 70-90 MB / s. If for example the average HDD access below 50 MB / s then the performance will usually feels slow.
Solution when the hard drive is very slow, may be tried with full format (beware, data backup first). Although the old hard drive to it typically will not help much, so it is best to replace a new hard drive, and if you still want to use the old hard drive, use as a secondary hard drive only.

5. RAM / Memory mediocre

Many of the least amount of RAM / memory that we use can not be made a standard equal to one computer to another computer or even the operating system. Although when it will install Windows, there is a minimum specification of RAM, but the type of application that we use must also be taken into account. To check, just open the Task Manager and in the Performance check the PF Usage and also showing the total Physical Memory Physical Memory (RAM) and the remaining available (Available).

If we are not running any applications, but the rest of RAM is more than half, usually the computer's performance will be slow, then it should be checked any application that uses lots of memory (RAM), generally can be checked at the Process , Mem Usage column . If indeed we are barely adequate RAM (eg Windows XP with 512 MB of RAM or less, windows 7 with 1 GB of RAM), then the cheapest solution is to reduce the applications that consume a lot of memory. The best solution is to upgrade memory (RAM) (read: Know what RAM).

6. Conflicts applications or programs installed

Not infrequently two applications in the same category could result in conflict, further slowing computer performance. Signs of conflict forged the troubled computer after you install the software, whereas previously there was no problem. What often happens is usually in the category of conflict security software, such as antivirus.
For example we use 2 antivirus or more. Although some antivirus can run concurrently, but still not recommended, except for expert users or for trial. Not to mention when it still had to install other security software.
If there is an alternative variety of similar software, then if possible choose one that can represent, and superior in performance and results. Especially for the many types of software to access the resources or the operating system.

7. Selection Software inappropriate

Not a few people just went along with (trend) in the use of software, but there is actually a desirable feature in other software that is small and free. If we are indeed minimal computer specs or we want to work quickly, then choose the right software. Software with a large size is not always better and more appropriate for each of us. Here are some examples:
When we just want to burn data to CD / DVDs, exact solutions can use ImgBurn software that measures just about 5 MB or other free burning software that is relatively smaller than installing Nero Multimedia Suite which is about 354 MB.
When we work with compressed data (zip, rar), free software like 7zip that measures just about 1 MB should suffice, rather than install Winzip 15 measuring nearly 13 MB and is also not free (free compression software, etc.)
If using Photoshop 7 or CS1 / 2 is sufficient for the needs of graphics, then install Photoshop CS5 need difikir repeated, because the required specification is quite high, so it can work more slowly.

8. The amount of software installed

Although the software is installed is not running behind, but almost every software always adds an entry (data) to the registry, so that more and more software is installed is the size of the registry (windows) will also be greater. Because the registry will be accessible both when the computer is running and is already running, the size also affects the speed / response time was.
The solution is to use software that's required course, Uninstall software that is not important and use the uninstaller like Revo Uninstaller to make the process more thoroughly uninstallasi. To clean the software has been uninstalled on, can also use a variety of free Utilities.

9. Effects of excessive use of Windows

The use of Windows berlebihWindows Securities Xp, Vista and Windows 7 provides the option to use a display with various effects. If your computer has good specs, of the various effects is not a problem, but if you want faster performance, the effects of windows can be deactivated.
For example Windows XP, right-click My Computer, select the Advanced tab and click the Performance setting. We also put through the system tweaked to get the settings right and quickly, using software such as X-Setup Pro.


Actually, in addition to the above 9 things are still many other reasons, such as various service windows that are running are actually not necessary, selection and arrangement of hardware that is not optimal, the primary disk space (for example, drive C:) which limits or on the verge of running out, and others (ebsoft)
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