(Q & A ) Exercise first or Eat first ?

What do you think? should we have a sport/ outdoor activity first or eat first? Maybe most of us before we play sport, we eat first, so what's the impact if we sport or eat first?

The scientist said that we must do sport first, but it doesn't mean that we can't eat before we have a sport, because the food that we eat before we sport will become an energy


Q : Why after eating we cant go directly do a sport ?
A : It's because after someone consumed heavy food, automatically blood will flow to the stomach part. In the meantime in the stomach the absorption of nutrition from food that has been consumed was happening. The body was also throwing leftovers to the certain body part away and distributed oxygen all through the body. 

Q : So, How long is the time from we finish eating until we can do a sport?
A : Usually, we need about 30 minutes up to 2 hours until we can do a sport.But if we consumed heavier food then time to waited for sport will be longer. However if only consume the low fat snack/biscuit, we did not need a long time to play sport. 

Q : Hmm... so, what kind of food that we can consumed before we playing sport?
A : It depends. If playing sport in the morning we could consume, juice or the pure water that was enough. If playing sport in the middle of the morning we could have a  high carbohydrate breakfast then has been enough to give energy. But if sport before the lunch we just eat snack and for sport in the afternoon we could consume yogurt or the biscuit.

So, now you know right what we got to do first. This is just a general tutorials for those that have a problem in digestion system or health.

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